♥ Friday, February 13, 2009
My Shophouse
This is my first processing model but there's no translation of my mood box to this model at all so yeah i think this one is scrapped.

This is my final shophouse design, and I guess this one has more of my concept. But there's one thing, I'm not too sure as to where to place the stepped pattern slits.....

This are some of the spaces inside my shophouse. Basically the walls in this shophouse are all curves to depict the femininity of Coco Chanel. The first floor will be Chanel's shop and a lounge where she can entertain her guests, 2nd floor will be her studio, washroom and her gallery, and finally the third floor will be her living area, which means her kitchen and bedroom.
I've had some difficulties while making the shophouse. One of them is the lack of time. And I really really need to improve on my workmanship. It has been a rollercoaster ride for me this term.
♥ Monday, February 2, 2009
Class Activity
In creating a structure of irregular shapes, we used papers, folded and cut it, before pasting them together on the A3 paper.
♥ Monday, January 26, 2009
Final Mood Box
This is my final mood box. I've decided on black and white since Chanel's clothes are mostly black and white and those two colours are also Chanel's favourite colours. And I like this one better since this mood box has more depth than the previous one. There are slits around the box and they are the stepped patterns substitutes.
Hah, finally my mood box is done. Now I can move on to my shophouse.
♥ Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Mock Mood BoxSince my mood box wasn't accepted and after much deliberation, I decided to just stick with the curves and stepped pattern as the curve patterns potray more to femininity and the stepped patterns convey more to masculinity.

And using the curve pattern as the basis i decided to make the mood box so that there are depth to the spaces. And I used felt to convey comfort.
♥ Saturday, January 3, 2009
My 1st Mood Box 
These four designs are the one I chose to potray Art deco since Chanel likes the art deco in her homes and shops. The sweeping curls design I put as the wall panels, the geometrical shapes as the platform, the nature based design as the wallpaper and finally the stepped pattern as the flooring. I actually wanted to create a gallery style space for chanel since she likes to collect antiques and moreover she likes to entertain guests thus the gallery theme.
♥ Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Designer/ArtistThe artist that I've chosen to work on and is my client for this shophouse assignment is Coco Chanel. Chanel as you all should know is a famous fashion designer who specialises in womens clothing. Her passion is in creating comfortable clothes for women to wear. Her inspiration for mens-wear was from her various relationship with men and thus she decided to incorporate it together with women's wear and that is some sort of a sports wear. She was the first lady to create such clothing for women since during her time in France, all the women were still wearing tight-fitting corsets and huge heavy skirts, which Chanel hated. Chanel had a few themes in her design. Two of her quotes are 'Simplicity is the key to true elegance' and 'Comfort is luxury'. Thus the 3 concepts that I've taken from Chanel are comfort, simplicity and mixture of femininity and masculinity. These are the design concepts that I'm going to be using for the shophouse.
♥ Tuesday, November 25, 2008
MachineMy group consists of 4 members including me. Donna, Hwee Eng and Heyun are my team members. After much planning (and arguing), we've finally decided to remove two senses which are the sight and hearing, and to enhance on them.
Here are some of the photos during the process of creating a machine:

Some of the materials that we used are: aluminium, wood, elastic band, acrylic, and rubber.

This is the first piece of our machine, the eyepiece, we called it. We wanted to remove away the sight and thus we used this so called eye piece to do it. In between the eyepiece, there are sheets of tranparencies with different patterns on it, so that a person may be totally blind or may be partially blind, and this would in fact affect how one moves. And we used acrylic for this piece by the way.

This is the vest that will be the connection to all the parts of the machine, thus making the machine a one-piece. We made this vest using the elastic band to ensure the comfort of the wearer and also to allow elasticity.

The hand gear. This is to enhance the sense of touch to substitute the lack of sight. There are strings attached to the acrylic 'nails' so that one can move the 'nail' up or down as shown in the picture. The purpose of this gear is to allow one to have a sense of the space around her, and are able to hear the echoes or sound made when the nail struck on an object or surface. To make a sound emitted clearer, we've attached a metal ball on one of the nail.
Finally the last piece, the wing, which is attached to the vest, with a string attached with it. This is to let the person control the wing so as to feel any obstruction behind one's back.
Alright, I guess that's it. We tried our best to come up with this machine though we had our clueless and helpless moments, which is most of the time. Haha. And personally to me, creating a machine is kinda hard as I'm really bad with technical and physics stuffs...but nevertheless I think its been a fun and experiencing journey for me while completing this assignment.
And last but not least, a special thanks to Donna who volunteered herself to be the model. Well, actually we were the one to coerce her, wahaha, but still, thanks Donna! She looks cute with the machine on, by the way. WAHAHAHAHA!!!